Transparency Rule

Adept Internet Solutions (referred to as "Adept Internet Solutions") offers this information in adherence to the transparency requirements mandated by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") revised rules, effective since June 11, 2018. Through these disclosures, we aim to equip our subscribers with the necessary details to make informed decisions regarding the purchase and utilization of our wireless broadband Internet services (referred to as " Adept Internet Solutions").
In summary, the FCC Transparency Rule entails the following:

(a) Any entity offering broadband Internet access service is obligated to transparently disclose accurate details regarding its network management practices, performance attributes, and commercial terms related to such services. This disclosure is intended to empower subscribers to make well-informed decisions about their service usage and to aid entrepreneurs and small businesses in the development, marketing, and maintenance of Internet offerings. This information must be readily accessible through either a publicly accessible website or submission to the Commission.

(b) Broadband internet access service encompasses mass-market retail services transmitted via wire or radio, enabling the transmission of data to and from virtually all Internet endpoints. This encompasses any functionalities incidental to facilitating communication services but excludes dial-up Internet access service.

(c) A network management practice is deemed reasonable if it is appropriately tailored to achieve legitimate network management objectives, taking into account the specific network architecture and technology utilized in the broadband Internet access service.
The Company retains the right to revise and amend these disclosures and underlying policies in alignment with FCC directives. This may include updates to our terms and conditions, network management practices, and performance characteristics. Any such changes will be reflected in the provided links below.

Commercial Terms

The rates, terms, and conditions linked with the Company's Service, such as early termination and additional network service fees, are available through the following links:
Service Descriptions and Rates can be accessed here:


You can access the Subscriber Agreement, Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy here:
Terms & Conditions

Whenever there are updates to the rates, terms, and conditions of the Company's Service, we will publish them on our website through the provided links.

How to Reach Us

If you feel that the Company's Service doesn't align with the rates, terms, and conditions of your order, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to address your concerns.

Via Telephone – (509) 684-7897

Via Email – [email protected]

Via Address – 156 N MAIN ST. Colville
Washington 99114

We highly recommend reaching out to us to discuss any concerns you may have. Following our discussions, if remedial action is deemed necessary, we can collaborate to implement it accordingly.

Network Management

In providing the Company's Service, we acknowledge that network issues may arise from time to time. During such occurrences, we will take actions that are appropriate and tailored to achieving legitimate network management objectives. Specifically, the following network management practices are detailed in the link provided:
FAQ "General" tab.

NOTE: Each statement is subject to the Company's "permitted use" policy. Additionally, these policies may be overridden or modified upon notification by lawful authorities through subpoena or court order. Such orders might necessitate actions specific to one or more subscribers, which may deviate from the practices outlined below.

1. Blocking. The Company refrains from blocking or otherwise restricting end-user access to lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.
2. Throttling. Except in cases of network congestion, the Company endeavors to prevent any degradation or impairment of access to lawful Internet traffic based on content, application, service, user, or the use of non-harmful devices. In instances of service congestion, the Company may temporarily reduce the speed of its Service. Refer to "Congestion Management" below for further details.
3. Affiliated Prioritization. The Company abstains from practices that directly or indirectly prioritize its affiliates' traffic over other traffic.
4. Paid Prioritization. The Company avoids practices that favor certain traffic over others in exchange for consideration, monetary or otherwise, from the sources of that traffic. However, subscribers have the option to subscribe to higher nominal data rate plans or Accelerated Performance ServicesTM (APS), subject to network capacity availability. Note that APS does not offer subscribers a bypass during peak congestion periods.
5. Congestion Management. Wireless services may experience congestion during peak hours. The network employs built-in congestion controls to minimize the impact on all subscribers in a non-discriminatory manner. Essentially, during busy periods, all subscribers are treated equally without any 'express lanes' for specific users. Details of the Company's congestion management policies are available in its Network Management Policy found in the FAQ.
6. Application-Specific Behavior. The Company refrains from:

a. blocking or rate-controlling specific protocols or protocol ports;

b. modifying protocol fields in ways not prescribed by protocol standards; or,

c. inhibiting or favoring certain applications or application classes.

7. Device Attachment Rules. The Company permits the use and attachment of devices to its network as long as they do not cause harm, such as interference with network security measures. There are no restrictions on the types of devices subscribers may use or connect to the network. However, the Company may recommend specific types or brands of ancillary equipment, such as Company-managed residential wireless routers, to enhance service efficiency and effectiveness within the home.
8. Security. We monitor network operability and security. Subscribers should safeguard their networks with measures like firewalls, avoiding unauthorized use of managed Wi-Fi, and using PC virus protection. Unlawful network compromise will result in immediate action. We're open to working on legitimate special applications requiring enhanced security policies.

Consumer Services

Service Description: Descriptions of the Company's Services, including the service technology, expected and actual access speed and latency, and the suitability for real-time applications, can be accessed through the following links:

General service information and specific information in the FAQ section under the "Coverage and Equipment" tab.

Impact of Non-Broadband Internet Access Service Data Services:

The Company's Service offering currently does not include any non-broadband Internet access service data services.

The full text of the FCC Rules can be found in Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2018